Meowsings of a Cat

Day One I was transferred from the holding cells today. I bid fare thee well to my fellow inmates as the humans moved me into a small travelling cage. At first I was relieved, surely nothing could be worse than the daily monotony of Sunset Medows Meadows Adoption Center. We lived in daily fear ofContinue reading “Meowsings of a Cat”

The Robot and the Monster

The village was burning. Orange licked at wooden beams and smoke swarmed the houses, driving the villagers from their homes. Their cries carried over the empty fields that surrounded Hill’s End, all the way to the Echoed Wood on its north and east sides, and to the coast of its south and west. In theseContinue reading “The Robot and the Monster”


Friday, July Fifteenth 1729 My Dearest Catherine, We have been at sea for several weeks now, and although I fear I shall never be a seaman akin to Uncle Harris (for the occasional roughness of the ocean does not sit well with my digestion) you will be pleased to hear that I am settling inContinue reading “Treasure”

The Garden

The Garden was green. And blue. And red and orange and yellow. And he loved it. The little bug crept along the stem of a sunflower, it’s small feet warmed by the thrum of life, a faint humming almost, indistinct to most, humans included. The vibrations tickled the underside of his feet and he struggledContinue reading “The Garden”