Death of the Party

Death of the Party, 2019: Diff Films Production

In the same term I wrote and produced the film Scripted, I also co-produced on another film: The Death of the Party, written by my friend. I was not initially assigned to this crew, instead focusing on my own film. However, after several issues with the assigned producer, who was communicating poorly with the writer-director and ignoring redrafts of the script, I was asked to step in. I helped navigate the issues caused by the delayed casting and poor communication, which nearly caused the production to fall through completely.

And so as President of the society I was asked to step in and help out, whilst simultaneously managing my own film. I stepped in, helped cast the film and re-established a production schedule. Owing to separate issues with the film’s initial Director of Photography, I also helped shoot the film during the second half of the shoot.

I also helped source a composer for the film.

Whilst the film is as not fully polished as the writer-director would have liked, I think we worked well together to make it as good as possible under the difficult circumstances.

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