The Blair Diff Project

The Blair Diff Project, 2019: In-Meeting Film Challenge

My thirteenth film was a collaboration between the Film Society and the Sci-Fi Society. We were allocated small groups, and given a genre. Unfortunately, we only had two hours to completely film and edit the project. We opted for a found-footage film, hoping it would help us get away with our very amateurish performances!

It’s a very cliche story, but I think we make good use of the main university building, and use some clever framing and blocking in parts to establish our spooks. Yes, it’s no masterpiece, but for a project made in 90 minutes, I think it’s decent.

During our initial screening, we realised that we had used the wrong take for one of our sequences. It got a fair few laughs, and before uploading to the YouTube channel we fixed it, but put the outtake in as a post-credit scene.

It was a fun collaborative experience, that brought our two societies together, and gave us some fun films to look back on.

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