
Batpope, 2019: One-Take Film Challenge

Batpope was a fun little film to work on. We were constrained by several factors, including time, location, style and even prompts. The film had to be completed within the timeframe of the meeting (under two hours), and had to be done in one-take. We were given ‘Warrior Pope’ as our prompt, and consequently chose to depict a spin on the Batman mythos.

There was some good contributions from everyone as we planned out the story, and only two or three takes to get the final result. The poor lighting is the film’s bigggest let-down in my opinion, but that couldn’t really be helped under the circumstances. I like how the music is incorporated in without editing too. Again, it’s not exactly a polished final product, but then, it’s not aiming to be.

It’s a fun little film I quite enjoy, even if the technical side is lacking.

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