The Undead King

The Undead King, 2019: Weekend Away Film Challenge

We come to my second weekend away film challenge now, The Undead King. It is another one of my favourite films I have helped make, for both the experience of making it and the final product.

I love the locations here; I think they add a fun backdrop for the video game world. The woods and stream feel authentically rural and untouched by modern society, and the castle adds a real sense of the fantastical. They pair well with the music and the character designs.

I think the performances are decent and I like the narrative at play, where a solo player learns to work as a team, and a combatitive players learns to enjoy the story. Plus, this was a first for our society as we implemented CGI! I must give my fellow team members full credit here as they worked tirelessly to achieve the final product. These were more experienced members, who also helmed the majority of the directing and editing. I especially love to montage towards the end with the music. It builds into the final fight nicely as a climax to the film.

It wasn’t all smooth sailing however, as many of my lines weren’t picked up very well on the in-camera microphone. During the editing process we had to rerecord most of my lines. I think it synced up rather well.

In terms of my role in this project, I was responsible for the initial storyboarding and co-writing the final script, choreographing some fight scenes and acting. You can see an early draft I wrote for the project HERE. Overall, it was a really fun project to work on and I enjoy watching the final film from time to time.

Behind the Scenes

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