A Bird Saw a Man Beneath a Bridge

a bird saw a man beneath a bridge

‘penny for your thoughts’ asked the bird

‘a pound for ten’ replied the bard

‘what a good deal’

‘depends on the thoughts’

‘what else are you selling?’, came the retort

‘my mind is for sale, and all it contains,

my body too, grown weary with pains’

‘i’ll take the lot’

the wily bird said

and hurriedly paid, with coins made of lead

the sale completed, the bird stretched its wings

but soon of the ruse, the coins they did sing

‘hey’ the man cried

but up the bird flew

and away with it went the man’s body too

for a lesson to all, about dealing with crows

find the lead coins, still singing their woes

for a spectre still waiting

is under that bridge

but only if you can find it that is

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