The Purple Elephant


JOHN (mid-late 20s) is sitting in his living room watching television. His phone is buzzing, but he swipes off as a young girl, CASEY (6) runs into the room holding a purple elephant.

CASEY: Daddy, daddy, daddy!

JOHN: Hey there monkey!

She crawls onto the sofa with him, and he puts an arm around her.

JOHN (cont.): So what have you been up to?

CASEY: (happily): I’ve been playing with Jelly!

JOHN: Jelly? Who’s that?

CASEY: He’s my friend.

JOHN: Can I meet him?

CASEY: Um, not yet. He’s shy.

CASEY moves the elephant behind her.

JOHN: Oh okay. So are you two gunna sit here and watch some telly with me?

CASEY shakes her head.

CASEY: Nuh uh, we’re gunna play in the garden!

JOHN: Go on then, but make sure you don’t stay out too late okay? Dinner will be ready soon.

CASEY: Okay daddy.

CASEY hugs JOHN quickly before running out of the room with the elephant.

CASEY (cont.): Come on Jelly, I know a great game we can play..

JOHN smiles to himself as he settles back in to watch the television.


JOHN takes a tray of fish fingers and chips out of the oven. He walks through the house and watches CASEY outside playing with the elephant. He smiles before calling her in.

CASEY sits down at the table as JOHN dishes out two plates of food.

JOHN: There you go Casey.

CASEY: Daddy? You forgot to give Jelly some!

JOHN smiles.

JOHN: Sorry, I didn’t realise elephants ate fish fingers.

JOHN grabs a smaller plate and slides a small portion of food onto it as CASEY giggles.

CASEY: He’s a special kind of elephant.

JOHN: Is he now? (beat) There you are.

CASEY places the food in front of JELLY.

CASEY: (to Jelly): Here Jelly.

She mimics eating.

JOHN: So, where did Jelly come from?

CASEY: From the jungle! I helped him escape from the pirates and then we became bestest friends!

JOHN: Well that sounds like quite an adventure for a little monkey like you.

CASEY nods her head enthusiastically and turns to JELLY. After a moment of whispering she turns back.

CASEY: Daddy, can we watch a film?

JOHN: A film?

He checks his watch.

JOHN (cont.): Hmm. Fine. But only a short one okay?


CASEY is sat on the sofa with JELLY. The television is on and they are both watching. Occasionally CASEY will talk to JELLY and at a scary part she hides his eyes.

JOHN is standing in the doorway with his arms crossed, smiling. His phone starts to ring and he slides it out of his pocket and looks at the screen. He sighs irritably before hanging up.

As he looks back at CASEY he notices a tear in one of his eyes, but brushes it away before walking into the room.


JOHN is tucking CASEY into bed.

JOHN: Go straight to sleep now okay?

CASEY nods.

JOHN (cont.): Good girl. Night night.

He turns to leave the room.

CASEY: Daddy!

JOHN turns back.

CASEY (cont.): You forgot to say night to Jelly.

She holds him up with both hands. JOHN walks back over.

JOHN: Nighty night Jelly.

CASEY: Love you daddy.

JOHN smiles warmly.

JOHN: Love you too. Get some sleep.

JOHN leaves the room, turning the lights off and leaving the door slightly ajar. He turns around to fully close the door, and we see the bed is empty; tidied and fully made, with nothing out of place. Frantically, JOHN hurries inside and turns the lights on. CASEY pops her head out from the now-messy duvet, giggling. JOHN sighs with relief and leaves the room once more.


JOHN is preparing breakfast as CASEY walks in, still in her pjs and dressing gown. She yawns.

JOHN: Hello sleepyhead.

CASEY: (sleepily): Morning daddy.

JOHN picks her up and sits her on the table.

JOHN: Want some breakfast? Maybe, some chocolate spread on toast?

CASEY’s eyes light up.

CASEY: Yes please!

JOHN puts some bread in the toaster. His hands hover over the bread.

JOHN: Does Nellie want some too?

CASEY: (giggling): He’s called Jelly silly!

JOHN: (laughs): I’m sorry, does Jelly want some?

CASEY shakes her head.

JOHN: Why not?

CASEY: He’s still a sleepy sleep.

JOHN: (mock shock): Still? What a sleepy little elephant! Ya know, if he doesn’t wake up soon he might miss coming to the park with us..

CASEY: The park? Jelly will love it there daddy thank you!

JOHN laughs as CASEY hugs him.

JOHN: Better go wake him up then.

CASEY runs out of the room as the toast pops. On the counter near the toaster, his phone rings. It stops and we see JOHN has numerous missed calls and texts from ‘ADAM’.


JOHN is walking down the street. CASEY is just ahead of him excitedly talking to JELLY. JOHN smiles as she runs on ahead slightly.

A car drives by, JOHN’s eyes widen and he sharply turns to where CASEY is. He is about to speak when the car goes past and turns round the corner. He hurries after CASEY and they enter the park.


CASEY and JELLY are in the park, playing by the slide. JOHN is sat on a park-bench, holding her coat and watching them.

CASEY suddenly screams and JOHN rushes over to the slide where he sees CASEY sitting at the bottom.

JOHN: (worried): What happened? Casey? Are you okay?

He relaxes as she starts laughing.

CASEY: Jelly pushed me.

The elephant slides down behind her and she turns to grab him. JOHN sighs.

JOHN: Don’t scare me like that Casey.

He pulls her into a hug before turning and walking back to the bench. He watches CASEY whispering to JELLY before running over to him.

CASEY: Umm, daddy.

JOHN: Yes?

CASEY: Jelly said he wants to have pancakes for tea tonight..

JOHN: Pancakes ay? Hm..

CASEY: With syrup!

JOHN: And syrup too? Well, okay, but only if you’re extra good today, alright?

JOHN ruffles her hair and she runs off to the swings with JELLY.

A man, ADAM (late 20s) walks by. He notices JOHN at the bench.

ADAM: John? Hey, John?

JOHN looks up and notices him.

JOHN: Oh, hey.

ADAM: (concerned): I’ve been trying to call! How are you doing?

JOHN is still watching CASEY, distracted.


ADAM: (concerned): It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you (beat) since anybody’s heard from you. Are you okay?

JOHN: Oh (confused): I’ve been looking after Casey.

JOHN points to the swings where CASEY and JELLY are swinging happily.

ADAM looks up, and then back to JOHN, concerned.

ADAM: John, Casey isn’t.. It’s not her..

JOHN shakes his head. Tears are forming.

JOHN: No.. no.. please..

JOHN looks back towards the swings. They are empty now, though still swinging slightly in the wind.

ADAM: John?

JOHN: (panicked and in sadness): Casey?

JOHN begins crying, he puts his head in his hands and drops CASEY’s coat, though now it is ripped and torn. A small purple elephant key-chain dangles from the zipper. JOHN is choking back tears as ADAM sits down and puts an arm around him.

JOHN (cont.): (choking on the words): I’m sorry..


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