

The sound of a smashing plate can be heard. GARY is slowly shutting a door as SAL walks by.

SAL: Thought you were washing up?

GARY: Oh, hi Sal. Um, I can’t.

SAL: Why not?

GARY: Hmm? Oh, there’s a ghost in the room.

SAL: A ghost?

GARY: Yeah.

SAL: In our kitchen?

GARY: Yeah.

SAL: Riight. (beat) Look Gary, I’m pretty sure there isn’t any ghost.

GARY: (insistently): There is!

SAL: Well let’s check then.

SAL moves GARY out of the way despite his efforts.

GARY: No don’t..


SAL walks into the room, followed by GARY. They both look around, but see nothing.

SAL: Okay so where is it?

GARY: (patronisingly): I don’t know, it’s a ghost.

SAL: Right.

GARY: Look it smashed the plate.

SAL: (sighs): Anyone could have done that, it could have just fallen off the side.

GARY: Oh okay, um, well listen.. oooooh.

SAL: That’s you.

GARY: You can’t prove it.

SAL: Okay, drink water as we’re listening.

GARY tries to drink and make ‘ooh’ sounds. He fails.

GARY: Well that doesn’t prove its not real, um, look it stole the telly.

SAL: It’s right there.

SAL points to the sofa, half a telly is clearly seen behind it.

GARY: Well what about your bike?

SAL: Gary, it’s behind your back.

GARY: No it isn’t.

SAL: Yes it is I can obviously see it.

GARY sighs and puts it down.

SAL (cont.): There is no ghost is there? (beat) Gary, what’s going on?

GARY awkwardly shuffles and doesn’t answer.

SAL (cont.): Are you trying to get out of doing the washing up?

GARY: No..

SAL: Do the washing up Gary.

GARY: Dammit.


Cut to:

The ghost appears and smashes a mug.

GARY: I bloody told you!


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